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Contemporary Bridal Gowns
Classical Tutus & Dance Costume
16th and 17th Century
18th and 19th Century
Sample Sale
Bespoke, Hand-Crafted Ballet Tutus; Tutu-Making Classes; Miniature-Scaled Ballet Costumed Mannequins; Tutu Hire |
Made-to-measure Performance Quality Ballet Tutus by a Royal Ballet Tutu-Maker Designed to your Prescribed Budget.
Rossetti is on Instagram as Rossetticouture
Professional Stage Tutus and Individually Designed Competition Tutus from £700 - £900
Ready-Made Tutus from £600; Ex Samples from £350; Tutu Hire by arrangement
Rossetti designs can be varied in colour and details, or you may have a totally unique and original tutu designed for you. Royal Ballet designs cannot be duplicated for private use. A few Ready-to-Wear ballet tutus are usually available for immediate sale.
Title photos,by kind permission of - John Ross, Bentley Productions
Ryan Davies of Monocolour Photography Ltd
Moodboard Photography at
Photos of Tala Lee-Turton in the Le Corsaire tutu (below) can be seen at:
NB. Additional photographers are credited on individual pages, above.
Additional Tutu Information
**Please note, Rossetti is planning to offer mainly ready-made tutus in future, in one-off, unique designs. The measurements of these costumes will be stated with the photos, and a dancer will be able to visit to try on any costume close to her shape. Theresa appreciates this favours dancers with "ideal" vocational ballet bodies, and will still do made-to-measure orders as an occasional exception, but for an additional fee. Young dancers cannot be expected to be designers, and, it is hoped, will enjoy choosing from well-thought out, ready-made, professional quality costumes.** The tutus shown within these pages will rarely be reproduced exactly in every last detail. Net colours in particular and some lace trims vary in availability, and it can depend on the timing of your order as to whether they are in stock, or can be ordered in at the point you need the costume. The more notice you can give, the more potential there is to provide you with exactly what you want. **It is not recommended to duplicate anything shown exactly, to avoid the risk of meeting a fellow competitor in the identical tutu!**
All handmade tutus shown can be varied in colour and details. Decorative beading and appliqué work is a speciality. Tutus can be in stretch or non-stretch fabrics, depending on taste. Your own designs or Rossetti's can be realised and made-to-measure to your individual requirements.
Classical tutus can be ordered with decorated or plain bodices,
an internal basque (the fitted part that goes from waist to upper hip), and decorated or plain topskirts. Endless colour combinations are possible - the more notice we have of your requirements the more realistic this is. A short notice tutu order might have to depend on colours currently in stock. Headdresses and jewellery
can be created to suit the tutu of your choice.
Orders can be for solo performances or multiples (and variations) of one design for duets, trios and corps work. Each tutu shown within the website was either a bespoke order by an individual, a commission by a ballet company, or is held here as a sample costume to try on during fittings/consultations.There are times of the year, when Theresa is inundated with requests for costumes all at once - for events such as the All England Dance Competition. Inevitably we have to disappoint some requests for tutus: a strict policy of "first come first served" (including signed contract and 50% deposit paid) has to apply. Please let Rossetti know as soon as you win your heat if you are likely to want a tutu - even if it is several months until the actual competition.
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