Ballet, Bridal & Period Costume Maker.
Professional Quality Ballet Tutus
Designer Wedding Dresses
Alternative Couture Bridalwear
Film &TV Costumes
Specialist One-to-One Tutu-making Tuition
Bridal and Ballet Consultations, Fittings and Tutu-Making Classes held at Parndon Mill, Harlow, Essex.
Rossetti is on Instagram as Rossetticouture.
News, Contacts & Links, below:
Most bridal clients approaching Rossetti are looking to commission an alternative (often coloured), one-off and made-to-measure wedding gown. Brides may wish to follow an existing Rossetti design, possibly varying fabrics and/or colours. Or, alternatively, they prefer to follow their own inspirations and enthusiasms, in combination with Theresa's advice and experience, to evolve a totally unique wedding dress of their own. Wedding dress orders often break down into one of several categories (shown on menu, above, left) - couture wedding gowns inspired by the Pre-Raphaelite period of art and by Medieval period costume; corsets and wedding dresses inspired by 18th and 19th century historical costume, paintings of the period and films set in that era; or contemporary designs - possibly with period influences, and inevitably with a distinct use of colour.
Made-to measure tutu commissions are from dancers and designers of all ages (professional and amateur), attending festivals and competitions, and from established small and major professional ballet companies. Rossetti has designed tutus for television and also for individuals as "inspiring" presents.
Theresa has been very fortunate to work with both Royal Ballet Principals, and young dancers at the very beginning of their careers. She has provided ballet tutus for dancers competing in The Geneé International, The Prix de Lausanne, Molly Lake and The All England competitions. As with wedding orders, clients may request a copy or variation of an existing design, or a totally new unique commission.
Theresa's "Sugar Plum Fairy" tutu can be seen in the BBC Christmas Day documentary Dancing the Nutcracker - Inside The Royal Ballet
CONGRATULATIONS to Natasha (shown in red): Genée International Ballet Competition Bronze medal winner; costume designed by Rossetti:
Rossetti will be re-styling the web-site over the next few months and will be concentrating in the immediate future on Contemporary Coloured Alternative Wedding Dresses. Gowns with an historical influence, or authentic period costume reproductions can still be ordered, and images of past Rossetti designs will still be archived here if you wish to refer to them.
As a consequence, we plan to sell many of the studio samples. Do visit the Sample Sale for updates.
If you are interested in how to make professional quality tutus, Theresa is offering one-to-one individually tailored tuition at Parndon Mill, Harlow, Essex. You may specify interests in decoration and embellishment, or in construction, and will be provided with a quote specific to you.
Tutu Tuition Application Form
ROSSETTI WAS HONOURED to design the tutu for Gennée International Ballet Competition competitor Bella Swietlicki of Ballet West. Congratulations on reaching the semi-finals!
In 2012 The Rossetti Restoration-style gown, "Treasure", was used on the cover of Rita Gerlach's new novel, "The Rebel's Pledge". Available on Kindle and in paperback.
Although best known for made-to-measure-to-order tutus, Rossetti is starting to design/construct Ready-to-Wear/ Sold-as-Seen classical ballet tutus (see Tutus category on menu). The (mainly one-off) costumes will be displayed on the web-site as soon as they are available. Measurements will be given for these costumes, and dancers will visit to see what fits well and suits. Only small while-you-wait alterations will be undertaken. We would like to become recognised as the place in the UK for the public to purchase "proper", professional, stage quality ballet tutus. Made-to-measure orders will eventually become an exception, and will be priced accordingly.
Rossetti has designed "Odette" and "Odile"- Black Swan and White Swan costumes, (middle right) for ITV1's "Midsomer Murders" (ALL3MEDIA/Bentley Productions), aired on January 11th 2012. (Available now on DVD).**The White Swan tutu has been sold to Japan; the Black Swan costume, in perfect condition, is available for sale**.
The web-site Enchanted Serenity Period Films, might provide source material for a period-inspired wedding gown. They have kindly featured Rossetti in their blogspot at
Theresa is indebted to the kindness of many individual photographers, and to the dancers and brides who give permission to show their photos. (See below).
Performance ballet photography by John Ross, Ryan Davies of Monocolour Photography Ltd, Harlow Ballet
Home page blue silk gown photograph by Crofts and Kowalczyk
and David Ryle for Moodboard
Credits and links to the client's photographers are shown on individual pages.
Based in the United Kingdom
Prices quoted for construction of specific designs do not necessarily relate to the commission fee paid by that particular client. Time may have moved on since the construction of the corset, gown or tutu shown; construction and fabric charges may have changed (up and down) and, most importantly, it is a little impolite to reveal what a client has paid!
**Attempts are made to contact all those whose images are used within this site, for permission. If Rossetti has not been able to contact you, and you are unhappy about your photo being used, please contact us IMMEDIATELY**
Huge thanks to (for photos, modelling and assistance beyond duty!): Andrew Blake, Rachel Batterham, Claire Yaxley, Joanne Chilves,
Cat Beech, Candice Chin A Teh, Ruth Markham, Lavinia Hays, Gillian Harris, Anita Quayle, Michelle Turner, Elanor Churchill, Leslie Barnes, Nicky Dobson, Jane Pearce, Jane Wallace, Michaela Richardson, Amy Jackson, Mandi and Rebecca Field, Sarah Farnhill, Clare Hubble, Cathy Houghton, Emily Cole, Charlotte Brown, Lara James, Jane Gilmour, Crafty Arty Designs, Elspeth and Ben Hannen, Wendy Cole, Eliza Zen, Karen O'Connor, Tina Kerrigan, Harlow Ballet Association, King's Lynn Town Hall, Wendy White, Victoria Adams, Angela Fox, Pearl Beckles, Anna Sawtell, Cheshire Youth Ballet, Angela Evington, Hannah Fogg, Simone Van de Stadt, Kate Young, Marjorie Rogers, Jane Cowood, Jean Gates, Jenni Nolan, Claire Beckles, Zola Thomas, Pink'd Up Design, Ruth Mason, Joanne Parker, Mia and Jeannie, Alice Berry, Sophie Halliday, Hannah Ellis, Candice Stark, Sam and Amber, Emily Biggs, Lisa Tomson, Sophie Halliday, Mollie Smith, Paige Bestington, Bentley Productions, Ryan Davis, John Ross, Phimister Photography. |
If you have reached the base of Home Page(2) and are a first time visitor, please scroll back up to the top for connections on the menu to Pre-Raphaelite and Medieval-style Alternative Wedding gowns, Contemporary Couture Bridal Dresses, Period and Modern Corsets, Authentic Period Costume and Classical Ballet Tutus.
This website, designs and images thereof are all Copyright © 1987 - 2016
Theresa Blake. All Rights Reserved.